Did You Know...?
That a common misconception is:
What is a climatologist? Oh, weather. So a climatologist is just a weather person, right? Like the news anchors!
A Climatologist studies weather, yes. However, it's a little different than just weather. Climatology is different from what the news anchors report. What the news anchors report is day to day weather, Sunday through Saturday. That, my friends, is Meteorology. The study of weather, day by day, over a short span of time. Climatology is the long version of Meteorology. Climatology is the average temperature of all of those day to day points, over a long span of time. This long span of time can range from about 30 years to about 1 million years. Climatology shows the global temperature and its long term affects and other components such as that. Climatology is what shows us global warming and changing patterns of precipitation.
Climatology also shows what kind of environment an organism lived in at a certain period in time. It shows how life could have prospered and dealt with changes. This is important because if we can know how another organism adapted to past changes, it can help us figure out how organisms can adapt now to current environment changes.
And that is Climatology.