Summer Mentorship Component
1. Mentorship Log
2. What is the contact name & number of where you volunteered?
Rainer Luptowitz
3. What questions were raised because of the 10 hours of experience?
1) How will I decide an essential question? Should it be catered towards what my
mentor is working on, so that he will be able to help me more?
2) Will I still be interested in Climatology, after doing my project on it?
3) Will I learn enough and be familiar enough with topic, after doing my entire
project on it?
4) Will having a graduate student versus a professional scientist mentor me,
cause me to not get the most out of the whole project and experience?
4. What is the most important thing you gained from this experience? Why?
I believe the most important thing gained was the exposure to the field, to the science I want to focus my project on, and most likely even my career. Having the chance to see a scientist actually work. To see what kinds of projects they have, the environment in which they work in, and to see them focused on their life's research. I saw that it was difficult work, but they still enjoy it because it is their passion. This was important to me because after I have gained more experience, I must decide if I want to dedicate my life to the science, and if I will have the passion to know that it is all worthwhile.
5. What is your senior project topic going to be? How did what you did help you choose a topic?
I have decided that my project will be on my study of Climatology. Ever since completing the College to Career project, Junior year, I took an interest in it. Therefore, it was exciting to find a mentor in that field. And after gaining some experience watching a Climatologist work and explain their research, I kept my interest. When Mr. Luptowitz explained why things like airflow and aerosols affected climate in a region, like precipitation, warm weather/cold weather, or dry land, it interested me how everything effects each other. Therefore, I decided I wanted to keep pursuing Climatology and choose it to be my topic.
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