Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Blog 18: Fourth Interview Questions

1. Out of all environmental factors in a care facility, which affects the patient 

2. Out of all ways to develop a personal connection with a patient, which is the 
   best or most effective way?

3. How do you offer reassurance and hope to a patient? Can it only be done with 
   simple words?

4. Do you think the colors in a room would affect the mood or attitude of a 
   patient? Why?

5. What colors do you think would help calm a patient and make them feel not so 

6. What do you believe is the best way overall to make your patient satisfied?

7. What kind of environment do you think would trigger the patient to be more 

8. How do you think the colors of nurses scrubs would affect the patent's attitude?

9. Do you think a doctor should tell the patient they will be all right even if you 
   know they won't be?

10. Do you ever give your patients reassurance and hope? Do you see improvement in 
    their attitude because of this?

11. How do you set up your care area? Do you do it with consideration that the 
    environment could affect the patient?

12. Do you think it's important to know a patient's beliefs? Why?

13. Do you ever use a patient's beliefs to help them through treatment? How do you 
    do this?

14. Do you think it's important to know a patient's home environment? Why?

15. Do you think a comfortable care environment would be different for an adult, 
    teen, and child? How?

16. Do you think relating to a patient's culture would make them feel less anxious 
    or frightened to be in a care facility? How?

17. Do you ever try to relate to a patient's culture? How? Why, if not?

18. If you were giving a patient reassurance and hope, would you give it 
    differently to an adult vs. a child? How?

19. If you were giving a patient reassurance and hope, would you give it 
    differently to someone who had a minor illness vs. someone who had a more 
    serious illness, say, like a chronic disease?

20. In a care setting, can the environment always be altered to the comfort of the 
    patient? Why?

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